He's talented, he's smart, he's handsome, and today he's getting grilled PFTCo style. Meet Darren Mallett, associate director of the upcoming RIP JD: A Celebration of Death. Recent Plastic Flamingo credits include assistant directing Buddha Nosh and playing Gerold in "Reviewed".
Where are you right now, specifically?
Sitting on my bed.
What are you wearing?
Black and blue flannel pajama pants and my middle school P.E. t shirt
What do you wish you were wearing?
My gym clothes!! I should've of been there HOURS ago.
Alright Darren, if you weren't working in the theatre, what would you be doing?
At a morgue because there is no life without theatre! Seriously...probably entertainment journalism.
Are you comfortable sleeping your way to the top?
Are my parents reading this?
When is the last time someone clapped for you?
Any time I enter a room there's spontaneous applause.
When is the last time someone boo-ed you or should have?
Booing at me? Don't be silly.
Who is your least favorite Plastic Flamingo Company Member and why?
I'll never tell. (insert evil laugh here)
I would have been a star if I were born...handicapped.
What are you reading right now (and don't lie)?
1984 by George Orwell, never finished it in high school. Big brother... that ish is SCARY.
If you could live in the world of any play what would it be?
Put me in the world of Noises Off my favorite farce!
Based on the day your having, who should adapt it into a show?
Erin Austin, no one understands me more.
What is your favorite Plastic Flamingo fuzzy memory?
Finger Paint promotional video. Diane and Whitney covering me in paint as I lay on a twister board in my underwear. Good times.
Indeed, sir.
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