It's time to meet PFTC's Katie McClellan. She is a 2009 'Canes grad, and making her second Plastic appearance this June in RIP JD. We love her over here in Flamingo land, and we think you will too.
> Where are you right now, specifically?
Sitting in my living room, having just finished making dozens of cold calls to various studios and rehearsal/performances spaces to see if we can post flyers/postcards promoting Plastic Flamingo's latest production, RIP JD, running at the Too Soon Festival. Yep. The things I do for these people...
> What are you wearing?
A grey tunic dress, short navy leggings and flipflops. An outfit that lends itself to very good ventilation, as we've been holding rehearsal for RIP JD in a sauna (a.k.a. the unairconditioned Triskelion Arts Center)
> What do you wish you were wearing?
Workout clothes. Have not the energy available for that today though.
> When is the last time someone clapped for you?
At my restaurant two nights ago when I grooved to My Baby Takes the Morning Train in the middle of the floor. The place was very very dead. And I love that song.
> When is the last time someone boo-ed you or should have?
Don't remember. Honestly. But someone definitely should have booed me when I was starving before work and ate dinner via sampling the Whole Foods by-the-pound selections for about 10 minutes and bought nothing.
> Who is your least favorite Plastic Flamingo Company Member and why?
Chris Teutsch. His name is impossible to spell.
> I would have been a star if I were born ____________
to Meryl Streep. Or a Baldwin. Any Baldwin.
> What are you reading right now (and don't lie)?
I have been on the tenth page of about 4 or 5 different books for the last 2 years.
> If you weren't working in the theatre, what would you be doing?
Something where I'd be traveling and making lots of money - 23 and not a care in the world.
Which is why I'm in the theater I guess - since that doesn't exist.
> Are you comfortable sleeping your way to the top?
Nope. I'm a morning person.
> If you could live in the world of any play what would it be?
I'm actually pretty keen on this world - all play worlds have atleast something that I wouldn't like about them, and I feel like you can't really tell what the world would be like from 90 pages of just the characters' realms of reality.
> Based on the day your having, who should adapt it into a show?
Wendy Macleod. I just like her.
> What is your favorite Plastic Flamingo fuzzy memory?
Standing next to the giant blow-up flamingo to get my picture taken. Putting your head right up against that thing makes your hair pretty "fuzzy"...
Aaaand I'm done.