Today we are grilling company member Anthony Comis. (The guy in the picture above who's petting a pumpkin.)He is a Philly born actor now living in Hell's Kitchen...when he's not in a van. Right now, Anthony is on the road, entertaining thousands with his slave master routine in Theatrework's Freedom Train. Plastic Flamingo fans will remember Anthony as the tongue tied tangoing Jacob in last summer's Finger Paint.
Where are you right now?
Sitting at my Dad's house in Philadelphia reading the paper and
drinking a cup of coffee.
Let's keep this professional. what What are you wearing?
Phillies t-shirt. A pair of Nike sweatpants. Calvin Klein underwear. A
pair of non matching socks, one clean, one dirty.
What do you wish you were wearing?
A nice pair of dark jeans. A crisp dark green button down (it
brings out the color of my poo brown eyes...) and a nice tailored
sports coat, probably a nice earthy gray. Cole Haan shoes.
Okay that's specific. When is the last time someone clapped for you?
Yesterday. But it was hundreds of 10 year old's so I doesn't count.
They clap for the dust falling from the lights.
And when, Anthony, was the last time you were booed?
Yesterday. If you whip slaves you deserve to get boo-ed.
Just between us, who is your very least favorite Plastic Flamingo member?
Alex Kaplan. I don't know him that well, but there is just
something about him that...I don't know...creeps me out.
Finish this sentence.
I would have been a star if I were born... TALLER.
Okay. True. So what are you reading these days?
Catcher in the Rye.
Suck up. What would you be doing if you weren't working in theatre?
Playing Shubert's Sonata in B flat Major at Carnegie Hall.
So are you interested in sleeping your way to the top?
Not a chance.
Okay, we will have to pimp out other company members then. If you could live in the world of any play, what would it be?
Depressing, but True West.
Really? That's strange. Based on the day you are having, which playwright should adapt it into a show?
Sam Beckett. Nothing has happened nor is going to happen. Wait!
I'm going to the dentist at 3pm.
Okay that's depressing. Can you give us a warm and fuzzy Plastic Flamingo Memory?
The all day Saturday extravaganza that occurred after the 1pm
Finger Paint show at the Fringe. Anyone that stopped by Spring Lounge
knows what I'm talking about.
Warm and fuzzy. Literally.
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