Kelly and Lindsey are funny. You know this from their youtube videos, their open mic nights, and the notes they leave in your gym locker.
Now you can see them in the Midtown International Theatre Festival. Kelly and Lindsey Do New York: A non lesbian love story opens this Sunday (7/17) Also it is directed by PFTC's ROSS EVANS.
I'm asking these women the tough questions.
Erin: You guys have been performing together for quite a while. How and when did you meet?
Lindsey: I met Kelly about 3 years ago at an improv class at the Upright Citizens brigade. It was level 101 and she had the most disgusting mouth in the class. Seriously would not stop talking about doodie. What a monster.
Kelly: that's interesting, because when I heard her foul mouth I remember thinking, "wow she's beautiful". It was then that I fell in love.
E: Do you ever argue when you are coming up with material/writing?
L: We don't argue actually. We talk about what would be funnier, sometimes having a difference in opinion and we get it on our feet to see what is funnier. We usually agree on what we are writing because it is so US.
K: Lindsey will throw a line out that's very Lindsey and I will throw a line out that is super Kelly and it just kind of works.
L: Kelly still wants to bring back the German Doctors, which were characters in our first show and THEY DID NOT WORK. PLEASE tell her they did not work.
E:Who are the funniest comedians we should be paying attention to these days?
L: We love local artists like Ophira Eisenberg, Adam Wade, Tom Shillue and Ali Wong.
K: Get into it!
E: Your show focuses a lot on dating and love in NYC. So, what is the best way for a guy to pick up girl in a bar?
L: I don't have a clue because men don't talk to me. They actually run away from me. Because I am a troll with branch hands. So all I can say is, if you want something GO FOR IT.
K: But don't be creepy
E: You guys are babes, any beauty secrets for us?
L: Hmmm, i think the key to good hair is not brushing it. I seriously DO NOT brush my hair. I didn't have a brush until my mom left hers here last time she was in town.
K: We also bathe in the blood of virgins to keep our youth
E:If you have to compare yourself to another duo in show biz who would it be and why?
L: We like to say we are like Lucy and Ethel meet Ren and Stimpy.
K: We definitely get our poop jokes from Ren and Stimpy.
L: And Kelly has fleas.
E: Are your parents coming to the show? Is it weird to make sex jokes in front of your parents?
L: Yes, our parents are coming to the show. Actually our entire families are coming... even my cute little nana. We are both a little concerned about the big black dildo, but our parents are pretty cool and I think they will totally feel confident about paying our college tuitions and we are writing a show about trying to get laid.
K: I'm still pretty concerned about the big black dildo.
E: Any advice for artists who want to write and perform their own work?
L: It's tough, it's a lot of work. But just think, you are in control, it's your baby, and you have the choice whether you should abort it or keep it.
K: This is why we must support organizations like planned parenthood.... wait, what was the question?
E: What is your best "how many does it take to screw in a light bulb" joke?
L: How many comedians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don't know but what are you doing later? Wanna make out?
Get tickets and join me at the show at http://www.midtownfestival.org/ I'll be sitting by Lindsey's nana.
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