Time to meet the other Nikki that keeps Plastic Flamingo afloat. Nikki Mirasola is a rock star ninja marketing machine. Enough from us. Hear's what she's got for ya.
Where are you right now, specifically?
Sitting at my desk in my UES apartment.
What are you wearing?
I'm wearing a black and grey polk-a-dot tshirt and jeans. I love jeans. They are by far the best fashion invention to date.
What do you wish you were wearing?
Nothing. They don't call me Nakey-Nikki for nothing.
When is the last time someone clapped for you?
On Friday.
When is the last time someone boo-ed you or should have?
I was boo-ed two weeks ago standing up for my beloved Philadelphia teams.
Who is your least favorite Plastic Flamingo Company Member and why?
I'll never tell. (insert evil laugh here)Ross...by far. haha
I would have been a star if I were born __
I don't think this question is for me because I'm still planning on being a star...
What are you reading right now (and don't lie)?
Nothing actually. I just finished reading John Grisham's "The Firm" and am waiting on Elizabeth Gilbert's "Committed".
If you weren't working in the theatre, what would you be doing?
Well other than PFTC I don't. It's always been, and will always be the Music Industry for me!
Are you comfortable sleeping your way to the top?
The only thing you get sleeping your way to the top is a bunch of diseases. Being a "dick/vag tease" is definitely the way to go.
If you could live in the world of any play what would it be?
Julius Caesar.
Based on the day your having, who should adapt it into a show?
Erin and Ross, of course!
What is your favorite Plastic Flamingo fuzzy memory?
I don't have one...yet...