Time to meet Niki Budnick. As company photographer, this lass has put Flamingos in black glasses, in high heels eating lo mein, and jumping mid air while walking down Berry Street. She's talented, she's fun, and she takes a mean picture. Read our interview, then check out her website. http://nikileighphotography.com
Where are you right now, specifically?
I'm at work, sitting at my desk on the 4th floor of the GE building at 30 rock. Yep that's right-- my life is documented on popular television sitcom!
Okay Tina Fey, what are you wearing?
Jeans, tank, sweater, and fantastic bangs.
What do you wish you were wearing?
A giant parka. It's about 30 degrees in my office.
When is the last time someone clapped for you?
When I starred in Anything Goes. I was part of the SECOND ensemble, which was added due to overwhelming parental outrage when they found out their children just didn't cut it for the 6th grade musical.
6th grade. The last year theatre is a fair game. When is the last time someone boo-ed you or should have?
I've NEVER been boo-ed! But, I should have been boo-ed when I tripped walking UP the subway stairs last week - spilling coffee all over the floor and narrowly missing an innocent bystander.
Who is your least favorite Plastic Flamingo Company Member and why?
Oh please, this is a heated question! Of course I love you all!
I would have been a star if I were born __
To a famous family, you know, the Vanderbilt's, Roosevelt's, Hilton's... Jenner's....
What are you reading right now (and don't lie)?
"War Journal" by Richard Engel - those who know me well know I have a ridiculous crush on him and that I also have a small obsession with the duel wars we are fighting right now.
If you weren't working in the theatre, what would you be doing?
Selling photographs for a million dollars a piece.
Are you comfortable sleeping your way to the top?
Oh please, how do you think I got my job ; ) jkjk
Sure, you're kidding. Emoticons. If you could live in the world of any play what would it be?
I'm more of a film geek, so I would say I'd live in the world of Amélie Poulain.
Based on the day your having, who should adapt it into a show?
Based on the dream I had last night I'd say Christopher Nolan.
Augh. Spinning tops. What is your favorite Plastic Flamingo fuzzy memory?
Anything and everything involving BANDITS. (aka CP fun day)
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